2017-06-24 15:09:11 上传人:admin
The Jewels of China
 China as an ancient country has been famous for various Jewels through history. These jewels have been known and admired all over the world. At the same time China has other precious jewels.
 These precious jewels were not simply materials, but in fact they were people and sages with great wisdom and knowledge. From ancient time up to now, these sages were able to not only astonish Chinese but also the rest of the world. They left their marks in Chinese culture and influence many other cultures around the world. China is greatly fortunate for having these sages in modern days. As a foreigner I am blessed to meet such a jewel and sage, Shifu(Wang Dexing) . Shifu(Wang Dexing) has amazing knowledge of humans illness and great abilities to recognize and diagnose the problems.
I believe Shifu's eyes are much accurate than x-ray machine that can see through human body much clear than sophisticated x-ray machine. Shifu's(Wang Dexing) great abilities and knowledge of human body allows him to diagnose the illness accurately and diagnose the proper treatments . His patient are not only Chinese but also come from different countries aboard.
As a foreigner, I have the out most respect and admiration for Shifu (Wang Dexing) and consider him as a rare jewel of China.
I hope his great wisdom will continue and handed down to generation\
这些瑰宝不是物质,事实上他们是有着伟大智慧和知识的圣贤。从古至今,这些圣贤不仅仅是让中国人震惊同时还震惊了世界上其他国家的人。他们在中国历史上留下印记,也影响了世界上其他文化。 如今中国非常幸运拥有这些圣贤。作为一个外国人,我有幸遇到这样的一位圣贤-师父(王德兴)。 师父(王德兴)对治愈人类的疾病有着惊人的知识和识别诊断问题的能力。
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